There are many women who go through life dissatisfied with the small size of their breasts, but that need not be the case. Through Breast Augmentation, we can help you realize your aesthetic goals and achieve the enhanced breast size you desire. Breast Augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States today. There are many decisions to be made in Breast Augmentation and each helps customize the results for each individual patient. A patient must decide on implant type- whether to go with saline or silicone filled implants- the size of the implant, as well as the implant placement – whether to go underneath the chest wall muscles or above.
A Breast Augmentation decisions are easier to make when you have the right plastic surgeon on your side, explaining the benefits and drawbacks of each option to help you find the best procedure plan for you. Dr. Nagy understands that each woman who comes in for a Breast Augmentation has their own personal reasons, history, concerns, and goals and works hard to create the individual results and experience that will best meet their needs. If you are ready to begin your Breast Augmentation journey, contact our office to schedule your consultation today.